A lot of children shut down when you try to directly correct behaviors or address fears and past experiences....
#141: How to Connect with Your Middle Schooler with Principal Nabil Zerizef
Middle school can be an awkward and tumultuous season for our kids. Deep down they want connection, but their...
#115: How Understanding Childhood Trauma Will Transform your Parenting with Kristin Berry
Have you ever wondered why you feel so overwhelmed when your child behaves in a certain way? What is...
#107: Helping Children Understand Their Big Feelings with author, Jessica Sinarski
Do you have a child who quickly moves to the fear responses of fight, flight, or freeze? In this...
#81: Adoption and Foster Care Book Reviews Just For You with Lanaya Graham
We love a good book, and if it's about adoption, all the better. We were delighted to discover the...
#49: Talking Honestly about Adoption with Mike Berry
Do you ever wish you had an experienced adoptive/foster parent available to answer your questions night or day? If...
#22: Winning the Heart of Your Child with Mike Berry
Do you ever wonder if you're doing the right thing as a parent? Do you wonder if you're focusing...