Kids are growing up in a world of worry today. Anxiety, in fact, is a childhood epidemic, effecting 1...
#199: [workshop] Making Sense of Meltdowns with Jessica Sinarski, LPCMH
Dealing with frequent and intense meltdowns in preschool and school-aged children can be exhausting! Sometimes they are due to...
#191: [workshop] Why Kids Lie and What the Bible has to Say about It with Greg Lombard Rea
We hate it when our kids lie to us; it’s annoying, frustrating and scary. In this workshop replay, you...
#182: [workshop] Speech & Language Development After Trauma with Cara Mohundro
Because trauma, early adversity, and chronic stress impact a child's ability to learn vicariously, many children struggle with issues...
#178: [workshop] Is it Trauma or ADHD? with Kay Heikes
Early trauma and childhood adversity cause changes in the brain. Kids with neurodivergent brains often display challenging behaviors which...
#165: [workshop] When Puberty and Trauma Meet
Puberty in children who have undergone trauma looks different, but it doesn't have to be alarming. This week, Dr....
#161: [workshop] A New Twist on Chores with Greg Rea
Chores? Yuck! Most of us view chores as unpleasant but necessary tasks. But what if CHORES could be a...