It's easy to get bogged down in big behaviors and forget to have positive interactions with your kids. TBRI®...
#185: [Summer Swap] Real-life Strategies for Building Trust and Attachment
We often have opportunities to be guests on other podcasts, and we've had some great conversations. We'd hate for...
#173: [workshop] Letting Go of Shame-Based Strategies with Greg Lombard Rea
Many Christian parents worry that trust-based parenting is too lenient or permissive. After all, the book of Proverbs tells...
#166: [mailbag] TBRI with limited language, chore avoidance, lying
This week we answer listener questions such as: Any suggestions for using TBRI with a non-verbal child? How do...
#147: From Foster Child to TBRI Practitioner with Trent Taylor
Trent traveled a horrific journey through the foster care system until he was adopted at the age of 9....
#88: The Connected Parent by Dr. Karyn Purvis and Lisa Qualls
Parenting under the best of circumstances can be difficult. And raising children who have come to your home from...
#02: A Dad’s Journey to Connected Parenting
The transition from traditional parenting to connected parenting presents challenges for many of us. It looks and feels different...